
Sign up for our SUMMER 2014 program, including camps, workshops and lessons for students of all ages, from the very young to adults. We will have fun with horses, build memories and have an unforgettable adventure here at Horseman's Hangout! Click here to download the Summer 2014 Registration Form and further info.


Contact us for a tour of the facility.

Horseman's Hangout / Marcia Nelson

1515 Edison Street

Santa Ynez, California 93460


Tel: 805-686-4137

Fax: 805-686-1418

Click here to download our summer registration form: 


Horsemans Hangout Brochure

Home Services Training

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"My horse is not listening to me," "My horse is lazy," "My horse is stubborn." Sound familiar? Change these words to: "My horse listens to me," "My horse loves to get out," "My horse is cooperative," "My horse is soooo much fun!" At Horseman's Hangout, you will learn the skills you need to build a great partnership with your horse. Everyone dreams of that perfect relationship with their horse that creates the ultimate winning team. Not only is that possible, but here at Horseman's Hangout you can achieve it.

Horses are as unique and diversivied as the individuals they are working with. They reflect our emotions and actions as if looking in a mirror. Horses react to current experiences based on past experiences. A familiar feel, look, sound or taste from thier past will create a reaction in the current. That reaction will be negative or positive based on whether that previous sensual memory was good or bad from their point of view. This can play a key role in understanding the horse and how to help them understand and cope in our human world.


Horse Starting: Develop trust and confidence from your first moments together to your first saddling and riding experience for a lifetime of mutual fun and respect. Horses have clear basic primal needs that must be understood and met. Safety, Security and Comfort are their primal needs and if not met will become their first priority. Not even food makes this first list-they'll run and fight before they will eat if they feel their life is threatened. The root of most things we label as 'misbehaviors' go right back to the horse seeking these needs. They must learn and believe these needs are being met in your hands.

If their ability to find safety, security and comfort is blocked by you, they will throw a fit until those needs are met or you break their spirit in a fight they cannot win. You either learn to contain and live with the problem OR you learn to change the root of what is causing it for a complete and thorough fix!!

A successful horse experience begins with you and your knowledge and skills in picking the correct temperament horse for you and in managing your relationship together. Horseman’s Hangout is your one stop shop that can guide you down a successful path to achieve the ultimate in horse/human relationship and experience.

Not every horse is a fighter and not every horse will turn tail and run. They come in all shapes and sizes both physically and mentally. Picking the correct type for you will make for an easier and shorter time to reach your ultimate goals together.